President: Simon Drewitt 0402 266 769
Vice-President: Peter Hughes 0409 844 310
Secretary: Helen Forrest 0412 213 136
Assistant Secretary: Cheryl; Higgins
Treasurer: Ainsley Parker 0428 831 184
Committee Members:
Gaile Bobrige, Pam Morrison, Margot McDonald, Bill Parker, Graeme Symonds, Wendy McDonald, Kye Langmead, Barb Davies, Shirley May, Semi Skoljarev, Jan Harvey,
Mr Peter Treloar
Life Members
Bascombe JL, Dempsey Mrs L, Beinke R Bascombe Mrs E J O'Loughlin Mrs K
Casanova Mr R Bascombe Mrs J Hood Mrs M Morrison Mrs M May Mrs S
Burgess Mrs M Hughes P Mr Stevens Mrs H Lands Mrs J Low L Mr
Late Life Members
Bascombe C M Dicker H Mander C Harris J Mr Baddams T Mrs
Hains S Mr McDonald E Mr Harris R Mrs Biddle S Mrs Kotz W Mr
Robinson M Mrs Veitch B Borthwick L Mrs Boyd W B Mortimer M Mr
Rawlins S Mrs Kotz Mrs B Johnson Mrs S Docking Mrs N Kempster Mr E
Barry Morse Memorial Trophy
(Awarded for the "most valuable show person)
2011 Ainsley Parker
2012 Jos Warner
2013 Peter Hughes
2014 Joan Lands
2015 Gaile Bobrige
2016 Barry Jesser
2017 Cheryl Higgins
2018 Gay Hinchey
2019 Ainsley Parker
Roll of Honour 1910-2000 2000 -2021
President: Simon Drewitt 0402 266 769
Vice-President: Peter Hughes 0409 844 310
Secretary: Helen Forrest 0412 213 136
Assistant Secretary: Cheryl; Higgins
Treasurer: Ainsley Parker 0428 831 184
Committee Members:
Gaile Bobrige, Pam Morrison, Margot McDonald, Bill Parker, Graeme Symonds, Wendy McDonald, Kye Langmead, Barb Davies, Shirley May, Semi Skoljarev, Jan Harvey,
Mr Peter Treloar
Life Members
Bascombe JL, Dempsey Mrs L, Beinke R Bascombe Mrs E J O'Loughlin Mrs K
Casanova Mr R Bascombe Mrs J Hood Mrs M Morrison Mrs M May Mrs S
Burgess Mrs M Hughes P Mr Stevens Mrs H Lands Mrs J Low L Mr
Late Life Members
Bascombe C M Dicker H Mander C Harris J Mr Baddams T Mrs
Hains S Mr McDonald E Mr Harris R Mrs Biddle S Mrs Kotz W Mr
Robinson M Mrs Veitch B Borthwick L Mrs Boyd W B Mortimer M Mr
Rawlins S Mrs Kotz Mrs B Johnson Mrs S Docking Mrs N Kempster Mr E
Barry Morse Memorial Trophy
(Awarded for the "most valuable show person)
2011 Ainsley Parker
2012 Jos Warner
2013 Peter Hughes
2014 Joan Lands
2015 Gaile Bobrige
2016 Barry Jesser
2017 Cheryl Higgins
2018 Gay Hinchey
2019 Ainsley Parker
Roll of Honour 1910-2000 2000 -2021
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The content of this web site is provided for general information purposes only. The information on the web site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.